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The Stress- & Burnout Survival Guide

What is a Burnout?

Burnout is a real challenge in our fast-paced world, but what defines a Burnout? Can anybody get it? Is it only work-related?

Abstract nature landscape
Illustration of a person sitting by a river

Learn about the different types of Stress, how it affects you and why Stress is not always your enemy.

What is Stress and is it always bad?

Am I at risk of Burnout?

Test your risk for Burnout and Stress in a quick self-assessment

Abstract face
Illustration of many people

Each of us is an individual but common symptoms do exist. Learn how about the stress continuum and how to distinguish potential burnout from stress and fatigue.

What are the symptoms of Burnout?

Why am I afraid of change and uncertainty?

Change and growth can be challenging because our brain is programmed to prioritize safety and certainty. What does that mean for you?

Illustration of a person walking through a door
Abstract face

What strategies exist you can apply yourself to get better? How can you find out what works best for your situation?

What can i do?

Burnout Coach Eric Mahleb

15min Free Discovery Call

Let's chat and decide together if I can help you

A Person walking into nature

Test: what is my risk of Burnout?

Take the test to find out what your risk of Burnout is

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