Neuroplasticity is key to burnout recovery.
Neuroplasticity allows us to build new pathways in our brain and to create new responses in our nervous system. These new responses are key to avoiding and recovering from burnout.
Welcome back to Burnout Help, first aid for Burnout and stress. I am Eric Mahleb, your stress and burnout coach.
Neuroplasticity is the ability that your brain has to form new structures, new pathways, new functions based on how you think what you think, how you feel, and what you feel.
This means that we can learn we can to create positive pathways, we can create negative pathways, we can learn, and we can unlearn.
The advance of technology and MRI machines, especially the functional MRI, has made it possible to know for sure that neuroplasticity exists, even when you are older.
So this has profound implications for stress and burnout. It means that whatever negative habits negative pathways you have have built you can unbuild them. Neuroplasticity usually
is connected to the brain but we can expand that to the nervous system.
So your nervous system is plastic: whatever negative habits pathways structures you have learned and developed and build you can undo. It is possible. It's not always easy, it takes work depending on how long you've been using the same way of thinking, the same way of reacting to triggers, but it is
possible to undo all that.
So neuroplasticity is a great concept and that is the key really to coming out of burnout.
Have a great day and see you soon.
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