Hi everyone welcome back to burnout help stress and burnout first aid.
Today I want to show you another quick method to relieve stress I showed you a method a few days back if you haven't watched that video please do so. The method is called havening and it's a nice little easy quick to implement method to relieve stress.
Today we want to talk about breathing. Now there are lots of videos about breathing breathing on the
net and you might have watched a few yourself and most of these tell us to exhale longer and this is correct.
A normal breath is about equal inhale exhale. When you want to activate the relaxation response the parasympathetic nervous system you want to exhale longer.
Unfortunately when we are stressed we tend to inhale a lot longer than we exhale we also tend to breathe fast and shallow and we don't notice it because we're stressed. So it's important that you learn how to breathe properly, especially when you feel that you're starting to get stressed then you have to develop that muscle in your in your mind that says 'hey stop how is my
breathing? I need to make sure that I breathe correctly'.
The breathing method today is called the physiological sigh. It was developed at Stanford and it's used by the military, by soldiers in moments of stress to activate the relaxation response. It provides immediate Stress Relief.
So what it does is actually very simple. I'm going to show you what you want to do. You want to inhale ideally through the belly, but we'll talk about this another time. Most good breathing
really needs to happen through the belly instead of your chest. So you inhale through the nose and when you think you're done inhaling you inhale again.
So this is what it looks like and then you exhale through the mouth and as you exhale through the
mouth you want to make a shape with your mouth as if you had a straw in your mouth and you want
to make sure that you let it out so you can make some noise as you exhale through the mouth.
I'll show you what this looks like without talking and make sure that you exhale is twice as long as you inhale and make sure you try to do everything through the belly instead of the chest.
Now if you do this four or five times in a row I can guarantee you that you will feel a lot more relaxed.
So try it it's easy it's fast and let me know how that went.
Have a great day
Eric Mahleb
More stress management and burnout prevention and recovery information, tools and methods at www.burnouthelp.berlin
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